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VIII Walkthrough Disk 2

Disk 1 / Disk 3 / Disk 4

2.1 Laguna is alive!
2.2 SeeD imprisoned
2.3 Inflitrating Missile Base
2.4 Missile Alert!
2.5 NORG, Garden Master?
2.6 Fishermans Horizon
2.7 Around the World in Garden
2.8 Odin, Legendary GF
2.9 Balamb overtaken
2.10 Forgotten Memories
2.11 Garden Clash - Balamb Vs Galbadia
2.12 Edea's reign must end!

2.1 Laguna is Alive!

The second disk opens with the mysterious Laguna Loire with a little girl called Ellone.  Save your game at the Save Point and draw some magic(Curaga) from the hidden draw point in the cupboard.  Now go downstairs, and after a little talk, go out and head towards the pub next door.  Note that there are monsters around.  In the pub, talk to Raine, the girl dressed in yellow.  Kiros will appear.  There will be conversation, and then when finished, head outside.  Junction GFs to Laguna and Kiros, then after another sequence, head to the bottom of the town by going south.  When at the bottom there will 

be another sequence.  You can then buy items at the shop(the locals are friendly aren't they??).  Now head back to the pub and go to the second floor.  There will be a short sequence involving Laguna, Kiros, Raine, and Ellone.  Then go back to the house with the bed and choose to sleep.  Back to Squall...

2.2 SeeD Imprisoned

You find yourself controlling Zell with Selphie, Quistis and Rinoa.  They are being held in a Desert Prison!  After a brief conversation, the screen switches to Squall.  Squall is held in some sort of capsule cell.  The room then suddenly moves;

A bridge in the main compound breaks and Squall's cell moves forward...

Back to Zell, he gets kicked by guards looking for Rinoa, so Rinoa gives in.  Then Squall gets beaten up by Seifer, and is sent to a torture room.  Back to Zell, they have a conversation with a Moomba(!) and then they figure out a way to get their weapons back.  Using Zell, head upstairs and fight the guards.  After the battle, everyone gets their weapons back and there will be a little battle with Wedge and Biggs.

Lv 15 HP: 1705
Draw: Cure, Haste, Slow, Regen
Lv 15 HP: 1780
Draw: Fire, Shell, Protect, Reflect

Win: 8x Remedy, 3x Elixir, 10 AP

After the easy battle, go to the 13th floor to rescue Squall.  Squall then joins the group and then controls the machine in the center to get to the bottom.  Zell will be temporary out of your party.  Now head right and attempt to get out.  Dirt will flow to the ground and realizes they are underground.  Then the party remembers about Zell.  Zell finds himself chased by a guard.  RUN!  Until you get stopped by a prison ward, but Squall will come for his rescue.  Your party will be under fire, but Irvine and Rinoa will come and rescue Squall and the others.  Now form a party that will have to have Squall and Rinoa in it.  Then form another party with Irvine in it.  Now direct Squall to the 13th floor, then Irvine to the bottom.  Then the screen switches back to Squall's party.  Head to the 15th floor, and proceed to a opening.   Now there will be a boss fight!

Boss 1: Elite Soldier
Lv 16 HP: 2264
Weak against Poison
Draw: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Scan
Bosses(2): GIM52A
Lv 17 HP: 1790
Weak against Thunder/Earth/Water, Poison has no effect
Draw: Haste, Slow

Win: 1x Missile, 2x Potions, 2x Screw, 8 AP

Just summon Quezacotl and Brothers to dish out damage.  Cast Thunder or Thundara on the robots, and use physical attacks on the Captain.  After the battle cross the bridge.

A nice view of the prison, which is surrounded by desert.

Rinoa and the other party member heads for the door, but Squall is in trouble...

The prison starts to break apart and digs, while squall is stuck on the bridge.  He moves away and the place is covered with thick smoke.

Now after the sequence with the car and conversation, missiles are launched in the distance.  Now  you will have to reform two parties.  One with Selphie to infritrate the Missile Base, the other with Squall to get back to Balamb Garden to warn Cid of the incoming missiles.  Then there will be a weird sequence concerning Squall's party to get on a train bound for Garden.

2.3 Inflitrating Missile Base

You will be controlling Selphie's party.  Get out, save, and direct the vehicle to the Missile Base.  Disguised as Galbadian soldiers, enter the building and examine the blue light area to open the door.  Now keep proceeding along the track until you find a room with a computer panel, and two soldiers guarding.  Now head left and down to the area with the light and smoke, and talk to the two soldiers leaning over.  After the conversation, head back to the room where the missiles are being armed.  Talk to the soldier fixing something.  Now head back to the first place where the two soldiers were.  Then head all the way back near the entrance, where you had to sneak past the first soldier.  Talk to him, and you now can enter the control room.  Now you can make Selphie bang on the controls or push whatever.  Then suddenly the power goes out.  Quickly get out of the room and you can choose to fight and get this over with or try and stay disguised.  You'll eventually have to fight the soldiers.  After you defeat them head to the steps where a soldier was guarding previously.  You now have to fight 2 soldiers and a leader.

Base Leader
Lv 18 HP: 1005
Weak against Poison
Draw: Thunder, Confuse, Slow, Reflect
Base Soldier x2
Lv 18 HP: 781
Draw: Blizzard, Silence, Confuse

Win: 2x Potion, 2x Phoenix Down

Now inspect all on the controls in this control room, then head to the door to the north.  Now inspect the computer to set a time for you to escape.  Pick 30 minutes, then head back to the entrance where you first came in.  Selphie decides to head back.  Now head back to the area where the control panel is.  Talk to the wounded soldier to recieve the keycard and the passcode.  Now examine the computer panel to access the missile configirations.  Enter EDEA as the passcode and access the missile types.  Choose the model that looks like a jet.  Then choose the 'Target' menu and set error ratio to maximum.  Now choose 'Data Upload'.  Quickly exit the program and get out of the base as quickly as possible.  Outside there will be a FMV.

The missiles are launched into the air, heading for Balamb Garden.

Now head right and you will have to face a large mechanical robot.

Boss: Unit BGH25IF2
Lv 14 HP: 6500
Weak against Thunder, Earth, Water
Draw: Protect, Shell, Stop
Win: 1x Weapon Research Mag Jun Issue, 2x Potion

A tough enemy, and be weary of the time limit.  Summon GFs such as Quezacotl, Brothers and Diablos.  Cast Water and Thundara magic on it.  Watch out for its Beam Cannon move, it takes away about 1000 HP.  After the battle you will fight some easy Galbadian soldiers.  Now walk around a bit until Selphie and co. jots down on the floor.

The back area of the base explodes and then the whole base explodes.

2.4 Missile Alert!

Back to Squall and co, you will find that Balamb Garden is in total chaos!  Your aim here is to find Headmaster Cid to warn him about the missiles, and protect some Garden members.  You will have to head to every part of the Garden.  Go in a clockwise direction (from the Infirmary to the Library).

1. Infirmary
Fight a Granaldo.  Talk to Dr. Kadowaki to recieve an Elixir.
2. Quad
No battle.  Talk to one of the SeeD members to recieve a Hi-Potion
3. Caferteria
Fight a high-level Bomb.  Talk to a girl student to recieve Gysahl Green.
4. Dormitory
Fight a high-level Caterchipillar.
5. Parking Lot
Fight a Grendel.  Talk to a SeeD to recieve a Tent.
6. Training Center
If choose to fight, you will face a T-Rexaur.  Talk to the girl to recieve a Remedy.
7 Library
Fight a high-level Grat.  Talk to one of the girls to recieve a Remedy.

Then at the hall follow Xu.  After the sequence, head to the third floor where Cid is.  There will be a sequence of Cid explaining a way to save the Garden from the missiles, by verturing down to the MD level.  Now talk to Cid to save your game.  Head for the elevator.

Edea's missiles cuts through the clouds and heads straight for Garden.

Now the elevator suddenly stops.  Examine the hatch to climb down a ladder.  Beware of the falling elevator.  Now head to large hatch and open it.  Proceed until you reach a room with a huge tap.  You have to press square repeatedly in 10 seconds.  Once you have turned it go back through to the door and you will find the floor is gone, in its place is a ladder.  Now go to the area with the draw point (Full-Life) and go left.  There you can pick any option of whos climbing the ladder.  Squall will eventually climb.  Suddenly it shakes!  In the next area, examine to control to open a section of the basement.  Now climb back down the ladder.  Lead to party to 
the green light and examine it.  Climb down the ladder and save your game at the save point.  Have Squall push the handle and head for the opened metal gate.  Monsters suddenly appear when you cross the bridge!

2x Oilboyle
Lv 25 HP: 4867
Weak against Fire.  Water has no effect
Draw: Esuna, Blind, Cura, Confuse
Win: 12x Wizard Stone

Beware of there oil attacks.  Cast Fire, Fira or Firaga, and make use of their own spells.  Don't forget to summon Ifrit.  Now cross the bridge and climb down the ladder.

Missiles are heading fast, and Balamb Garden is in sight!

You will reach an area with a huge machine.  Examine the machine a few times to activate it.  Headmaster Cid's floor suddenly rises up with Squall and company.

The Garden forms a shield around itself, then suddenly has yellow dust and smoke around, as it lifts off from the ground.  The missiles hit hard on the target, but the Garden gets away.

Talk to Cid and pick any reply.  Now head down to the 2f.  Go towards the door that leads to the balcony, past the classroom.

The Garden cuts through some forest, and Rinoa is enjoying the view.

Now head back and you will have to head back to the office.  Cid doesn't know how to control the garden.  After a short sequence, there will be another FMV.

Balamb Garden just misses the town of Balamb, and it smoothly rests in the sea and stops.

2.5 NORG, Garden Master?

Now after all the weird Garden faction event, you will find that Rinoa (if she is in your party) wants to know the Garden better.  Go to all areas of the Garden until a Garden Faculty orders you to go the B1 floor.  Now go the elevator and you will find the Garden Master, NORG!  There will be a long sequence about Balamb & Galbadia Garden, Martine, Edea and Cid.  Eventually you will have to fight NORG.

NORG Left Pod
Lv 27  HP: 2865
ALL magic elements has no effect
Draw: Thunder, Life, Bio
NORG Main Pod
Lv 27  HP: 2000
Strong against Thunder, Poison has no effect
Draw: Cure
NORG Right Pod
Lv 27  HP: 2865
ALL magic elements has no effect
Draw: Dispel, Confuse, Slow

Boss: NORG
Lv 27  HP: 12, 200
Weak against Wind, Poison has no effect
Draw: Shell, Protect, Esuna, Leviathan
Win: 16-20x Wizard Stone, 20 AP

This boss is quite tough because of all the 4 enemies.  First of all, when the left and right pods turn red, quickly hit them with physical attacks so they can't cast deadly magic.  Concentrate on the main pod by summoning GFs or use physical attacks.  When Master NORG is revealed, draw Leviathan.  Use Aero spells and if he uses status change attacks, draw Esuna from him.  Also use physical attacks and GFs.  After defeating Master NORG, head to the Infirmary and talk with the doc.  Then talk with Headmaster Cid (Cid is married to Edea!).  After the conversation head to the hall and you meet Xu.  Now head to the 2nd floor deck to find some white SeeD.  They are looking for Ellone and you will have to find her.  Head to the library.  Now there will be a brief conversation.  Then some stuff about Squall thinking.

The White SeeD Ship will sail away with Ellone on it.

2.6 Fishermans Horizon

Now in Squall's dormitory, head towards the hall of the Garden and there will be short sequence with Cid.

The Master Fisherman gets away in time from Balamb Garden crashing into Fisherman's Horizon.

Now you will arrive in the peaceful city of Fisherman's Horizon.  First keep going along the track and there will be a short sequence.

The view of FH is revealed.

Now head down towards the windmill house in the centre of the sun dome.  This is the Mayor's House.  Go up the stairs to find Mayor Dobe and his wife, Flo (The mayor has the Quezacotl card).  There will be a harsh sequence, then go to the right of the room to find a hidden Draw Point (Ultima).  Now head back up the city and there will be another sequence, this time concerning the Galbadian troops landing on FH.  Quickly head back up and go right of the Save Point, along the train tracks.  There you will arrive at the station, where there is a sequence with the Mayor and a Elite Soldier.  You will eventually have to fight the Elite Soldier along with two 
regular soldiers.  After the battle there you have to fight the robot Selphie met in the Missile Base.

Boss: Unit BGH251F2
Lv 28  HP: 7800
Weak against Thunder/Earth/Water, Poison has no effect
Draw: Protect, Shell, Stop
Win: 8x Running Fire, 20 AP

Now Selphie and the others will suddenly show up(!).  There will be a short sequence.  Now controlling Squall, you can explore the city.  Don't forget to see the amusing things the Fisherboy does to the store owner.  Now head back to the Garden to and now with Irvine head to the Quad.  Then you will have to arrange a concert with Irvine, Selphie, Zell and Quistis.  Choose the correct instruments to form a band and have a concert.  Sax, Electric Guitar, Electric Bass & Piano and have music similar to 'Eye's on Me'.  The other instruments (Guitar, Violin, Flute & Tap) will have folklore music.  Now after picking the instruments, there will be a LONG 

sequence with Squall and Rinoa having a nice long conversation with the concert music playing in the background.  Now back in the Dorms, head to the 3f.  You will meet Quistis, Xu and Nida.  As command of Balamb Garden, you get to control the Garden and go the numerous places around the world.

2.7 Around the World in Garden

Now you can pilot the Garden to most places in the world map! (Places you can go ashore with beaches)  So a good thing to do is to explore some of the cities and towns.  World Map

Balamb - Seaside Lodge
-An Item shop and a weapon upgrade shop
-Rent-a-Car shop
-Train station
-Pandemona Card (Hotel owner)
-1 Timber Maniac (1 fake)


Dollet - Moonlight City
- An Item shop and a weapon upgrade shop
- Rent-a-Car shop
-Dollet Com Tower path (Monsters here)
- Siren card ( pub owner)
-2 Timber Maniacs
- Occult Fan II
Timber - Rebel's hiding
-An Item shop, Pet shop and a weapon upgrade shop
-Train Station
-Girl Next Door 
-2 Timber Maniacs
-500 Gil


Deling City - Busy Capital
-An Item shop, weapon upgrade shop
-Rent-a-Car shop
-Train Station
-Rinoa Card (General)
-1 Timber Maniac
Fishermans Horizon - Fisher's Paradise
-An Item shop and a weapon upgrade shop
-Train station
-Quezacotl Card (Mayor)
-2 Timber Maniacs
-Occult Fan III
Winhill - Peaceful countryside
-An Item shop
-Holy Stone (Fragments quest)
-Phoenix Pinion (Chicobo)
Shumi Village - Underground community
-An Item shop
-Phoenix Pinion (Stone quest)
-Shaman Stone (GM quest)
-1 Timber Maniac
Centra Ruins - Spirital Ashes
-GF Odin
-GF Tonberry

2.8 Odin, Legendary GF

This is optional, but you now can have a chance to acquire the GF Odin.  Head to the Centra Ruins (See World Map) Save before entering, and you will notice that once inside there will be a timer.  Junction Diablos Enc-None ability to speed through the temple.  Go up the stairs, and go in the lighted room.  Step on the cube, and you will rise further up.  Now climb the left ladder and push the switch to activate the machine.  Now head back down and examine the blue light.  Stairs will then be revealed.  Head up and climb up the mini ladder and take the red eye from the statue.  Now head up the right stairs and climb up another mini ladder to another statue with a 

red eye.  Put both eyes in to reveal a passcode.  Now head back to the first statue and put the 2 eyes in.  Enter the passcode, then enter the hidden room.  Odin will be waiting
Boss: Odin
Lv 30  HP: 10,000
Draw: Stop, Death, Double, Triple
Mug: Luck-J Scroll
Win: 3x G-Mega-Potion, 1x Odin Card, 20 AP

This boss does not attack, but you need to defeat it before the timer ends.  Cast Meltdown on him and do physical attacks, or summon powerful GFs.  When you defeat him, Odin will now can defeat any regular enemies in the start of a battle.  Here in the ruins you can also obtain the GF Tonberry now, but it is much better to acquire it in higher levels, so the guide will be in the Disk 3 Walkthrough.  Now that you have finished exploring the world, its time to turn back to the story.

2.9 Balamb Overtaken

Head for the town of Balamb.  You will notice there is Galbadia Garden flying next to it.  Go inside and you will see that the town is invested with Galbadian soldiers.  Talk to the soldier.  Keep talking to the soldier.  If Zell is not in your party, he will run in and replaced someone else (In other words, Zell is a compulsary character).  Now go inside and talk to everyone in the town, from the station to the sea port.  Now go inside Zell's house and talk to his mother.  Then talk to Big Bad Rascal thrice until he runs off.  Go into Zell's room and rest.  Now head to the house next to Zell's and talk to BBR.  He will run off to the entrance of the town.  Distract the guarding soldier by talking to him, and BBR will talk to the hotel owner.  Then head back and talk to BBR.  Get out of town, then come back in and go into Zell's house.  You will notice that a thick smoke is everywhere.  Talk to everyone in the house.  Now head for the harbour and talk to the dog.  He will run off.  Follow him to the station and talk to the soldiers.  Now Raijin will come running out.  Quickly follow him to the hotel.  Then there will be a battle!

Lv 27  HP: 10,800
Weak against Poison, absorbs Thunder
Draw: Thunder, Thundara, Shell, Protect
Mug: 1x Str Up
2x G-Soldiers
Lv 27  HP: 1014
Weak against Poison
Draw: Fira, Thundara, Blizzara, Cura
Mug: 2x Potion

Win: 2x Str Up, 12 AP

Now run into the hotel, and be sure to junction Draw command.  Now its time to fight Raijin and Fujin!

Boss 1: Fujin
Lv 22  HP: 6600
Weak against Poison, absorbs Wind
Draw: Aero, Cura, Life, Pandemona
Mug: 2x Elixir
Boss 2: Raijin
Lv 29  HP: 11,600
Weak against Poison, absorbs Thunder
Draw: Thunder, Thundara, Shell, Protect
Mug: 1x Hero

Win: 1x Megalixir, 2x Str Up, 1x Combat King 002

These guys are quite tough.  Draw Pandemona from Fujin first.  Summon Siren or use Silence spells to stop them from casting magic.  Cast Sleep spells on them and use magic against them, especially Bio.  Use GFs occasionally too.  After the battle there will be a brief sequence, then you will find Selphie requesting you to head to Trabia Garden.

2.10 Forgotten Memories

Steer the Garden to Trabia Garden in the Northern Continent.  Once inside, Selphie will be unavailable for a while if she was in your party.  First talk to her and her friend at the fountain (There is a Weapons mag here), then head to the northern classroom.  Head back and go to the cemetery where you will see Selphie paying respect to her passed-on friends.  Now head to the basketball court.  There will be a brief sequence, then a flashback of the past concerning Squall, Irvine, Quistis, Selphie, Zell, Seifer and Edea.  When controlling a ghostly Squall, just follow 

where Irvine is running to the lighthouse.  After the flashback, there will be another sequence.  Now back in the world map, save your game.

2.11 Garden Clash - Balamb Vs Galbadia

Now steer the Garden to the southern Centra continent is, and near the lighthouse ruins, there is Galbadian Garden floating near a forest.  Make contact with it with the Garden.  You will find yourself in the pilot area with Nida.  He will give you a pair of binoculars.

Squall looks through the binoculars and sees the Galbadian Garden approuching them.

Now pick the first option in the list of commands and head down.  You will find Quistis, Irvine and Selphie.  Talk to Quistis and reform a new party.  Now head for the elevator to the 1st floor.

A deer is eating the grass.  Suddenly, G-Garden moves forward and scares he deer away.

Head for the Quad (Notice all the SeeD cadets ready of battle) and you will find Zell.  There will be a sequence, then Rinoa will come.  Now talk to Rinoa and you will be back at the pilot room.

Balamb Garden is heading straight for Galbadia Garden.  Seifer orders some motorcyclists to attack B-Garden.  They are launched and crashes through to the Quad!

Now using Zell, equip GFs, then head back to the Quad area.  Then an FMV:

Galbadia Garden crashes into B-Garden, causing a portion of it ripping apart.  Rinoa falls down and just manages to hold on!

Head back to the hall.  You will see Squall and the others.  Head ofr the entrance gates.  There will be a sequence, then you will have to reform a new party using Squall.  Head for the classroom on the 2F.

Galbadian paratroopers are ready to assault B-Garden.  They launch form their rocket pack and clutch onto the walls of B-Garden.  Then they crash through the window and challenges your party!

Finish off these rather easy enemies, then talk to the rather freaked out people in the classroom.  Head back to the 3F pilot room and Dr. Kadowaki will be there.  Talk to her, and there will be a sequence.  Then you will be led up to where Nida is and Squall makes a announcement.  Now Squall orders Nida to bash B-Garden into G-Garden.

Balamb Garden fights back and rams right into Galbadian Garden, causing them to hit the ground.  Squall comrades then heads into G-Garden.

Now using Squall, head down to the 2F go to the deck.  Talk to the little boy and he runs off.  Suddenly, a paratrooper with a hovercraft appears and rams straight into you.  First, look around for another option, then press the Emergency door button.  There will be a mini-game.  Your aim is to defeat the guard before your HP is zero.

Fighting the Guard
Here are the controls:
Circle: Puch
X: Kick
Square: Block

After defeating the guard, Squall rescues Rinoa!

Squall glides through the air hanging onto the hovercraft.  He rescues Rinoa and lands.  Then on the ground you see all of the chaotic events occuring!  SeeD cadets uses swords and magic, while G-Soldiers uses guns and motorcycles!
Now you will land behind G-Garden.  There will be a sequence with Squall and Rinoa.  Name Griever.  Now head to the tree in the north.  There is a hidden Draw Point (Aura).  Now head into Galbadia Garden.

2.12 Edea's Reign must End!

In the Garden, you will meet your party members here.  Now save your game.  Here, the layout is very complicated as many of the places looks the same.  To get to Seifer and Edea, you need 3 keycards:

Getting Keycard 1.
Go right from the Save Point and you will see 2 doors and 1 staircase.  Head up the staircase and talk to Fujin and Raijin.  Go left and enter the room on the right.  You will find a Garden cadet.  Take the keycard.  Now head back to the Save Point area.

Getting Keycard 2.
Go left from the Save Point this time, and enter the previously locked door on the left.  Go across the hockey field and head for the door on the right.  Now at the hallway with 3 doors, go right and you find another cadet in a classroom.  Take the keycard from him and head back to the Save Point area.

Now head back to where Fujin and Raijin was.  Head further up the staircase and open the locked door.  You will find yourself in a familiar area.  Jump down onto the running field and head for the door.  Keep proceeding and you be in the Garden's main hall.  Save your game.  Now be equiped, as you are about to acquire you next GF, Cerberus!  Touch the monster in the middle where the yellow light is...

Special Boss: Cerberus
Lv 30  HP: 10,000
Wind has no effect, absorbs Thunder
Draw: Quake, Double, Triple
Mug: Spd-J Scroll
Win: 8x G-Returners, 1x Cerberus Card, 20 AP

Watch out!  This is a fairly tough battle.  If it casts Triple on itself, quickly cast Dispel on it.  Cast float on your characters to be immune to its Quake attack.  After defeating it, you can now summon it in battles!  Now save your game, and head to the left hallway.  Go in the room on the right and talk to the cadet.  You will recieve the 3rd keycard.  Head back to the main hall and go north.  Go up the stairs where the Reception Room is.  Go left from the room and enter the elevator.  Edea and Seifer is waiting.  Save your game, and talk to Seifer.  There will be a sequence, then a boss fight with Seifer!

Boss: Seifer
Lv 31  HP: 10,300
Weak against Poison
Draw: Firaga, Thundaga, Dispel, Haste
Mug: 8x Mega-Phoenix
Win: 1x Hero, 20 AP

Watch out for his Demon Slice attack!  It damages about 2000+, so its a good idea to cast Protect and Haste.  Use all sorts of magic on him.  Bio and Holy works well, and summon Shiva and Brothers.  After the battle, Edea will descend down into the Auditorium.  Save your game, and head for the elevator.  Go right from the Reception Room, and keep going until you find yourself in a large hall.  If Rinoa is not in your party, she will come running in, and there will be a sequence.  Now Edea crashes through the glass.  Get ready for another Boss fight!

Sorceress Edea
Lv 31  HP: 16,000
Draw: Blizzaga, Demi, Esuna, Alexander
Mug: 1x Royal Crown
Win: 1x Force Armlet, 50 AP

First, draw Alexander.  Summon Cerberus and Carbuncle.  Watch out for Edea's Maelstrom attack!  It does Demi and Curse at the same time!  Summon your most powerful GFs, especially Diablos.  Draw Demi and cast it on her.  In other words, throw EVERYTHING at her!  After the fight, Edea goes all emotional, Rinoa sleepily kneels down to Seifer, then collaspes!  Weird!

Disk 1 / Disk 3 / Disk 4

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