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Pictures, Movies, MusicWalkthrough, Disk 1-4The world of FF8Secrets lockedHelpful TipsJunction SystemItems in the gameCharacter weaponsMagic spellsTriple Triad CardsGFsMain Characters
VIII Walkthrough Disk 1

Disk 2 / Disk 3 / Disk 4

1.1 Balamb Garden
1.2 Fire Cavern
1.3 Dollet Exam
1.4 Falling in love
1.5 Getting ready
1.6 Laguna Loire
1.7 Timber Mission
1.8 TV Station chaos!
1.9 Laguna lost
1.10 Galbadia Garden
1.11 Deling City
1.12 Tomb of the Unknown King
1.13 The plan of General Caraway
1.14 Rinoa in trouble!
1.15 The Showdown

1.1 Balamb Garden

Rinoa is in a flower field, Edea appears and passes through a wall, Squall and Seifer clashes.  They both get a scar.

After the FMV opening sequence, you will find Squall Leonhart lying in the Infirmary in Balamb Garden.  Dr.Kadowaki will be standing next to him, examaning him.  Pick any option for a reply when Squall been asked a question.  The Doc will ask Squall's instructor to come in.

Quistis Trepe, Squall's instructor walks in and smiles.

Squall and Quistis have a conversation about Seifer and the SeeD field examination.  Next, go to the classroom.  Quistis will tell you to go to the Cave of Fire.  Quickly go back to your desk and access the NEW Tutorial.  You will recieve your first two GFs, Quezacotl and Shiva.  Exit the classroom, and you will run into a girl.  Pick the first option to show her around the Garden or the second option twice to avoid.  Ask the man in the elevator hallway for your free 7 cards.  Go to the bottom floor.

Places of Balamb Garden

1. Dormitory - Squall can change clothes and sleep here to regain lost HP.  There is a Save Point here.
2. Parking Lot - Park your hired vehicles here.
3. Training Center - You go here to battle monsters and gain EXP. There is a Save Point here.
4. Library - You can have card battles here.
5. Infirmary - You can find Dr Kadowaki here.
6. Quad - There is a stage here.
7. Cafeteria - This is a canteen.  Fuujin and Rajin are here, so is Quistis Trepe Groupies #1 and #2.

1.2 Fire Cavern

Go through the gate when you've finished.  You will meet Quistis dressed in orange.  There will be a quick tutorial, and then you will be in the world map. Junction GFs and commands. Head north towards the forest, away from the road.  There is a small dark cave.  Go in and you will find 2 Garden Faculties.  You will be given the choice of how long you want to be in the Fire Cavern.  Pick 30 minutes, then enter the cave.  Note the timer starts now!  Quickly go through the path.  When you reach a fire pit, you will fight your first Boss.

Boss: Ifrit
Level: 6
HP: 1068
Weak against Ice; Fire has no effect
Draw: Fire, Cure, Scan
Win: 3x G-Returners, 1x Ifrit Card, 20 AP

Just keep summoning Shiva, or use ice attacks.  You can draw cure form him to help you.
After you beat him, you recieve the GF Ifrit!

1.3 Dollet Exam

Head back to Balamb Garden, and go to the Dormitory.  Change clothes, and go back down to the hall.
You will recruit a new character, Zell Dincht.

Zell shows off his martial art skills.

Squall and Zell has to work with the tyrant, Seifer Almasy.  He will be the leader of the operation (Zell and Seifer obviously aren't best friends, nor is Squall).  Headmaster Cid, the principal of Balamb Garden, shows up.  He will brief you of the mission to Dollet.  Now your party will board a vehicle, and you will head towards Balamb.  Once in Balamb, board the boat and you will recieve further briefing.  Eventually you will arrive in Dollet.

Squall looks at the town of Dollet, while troops land on the beaches. Squall's boat crashes through a barrier, and everyone hops out.

When you land, junction GFs and commands first.  Just follow Seifer in the streets.  You will have to fight some Galbadian soldiers, but they're easy!  You will arrive in the center of Dollet (where the fountain is).  There will be a short sequence, with Seifer commenting that this mission boring, and a dog thing.  Galbadian soldiers sneaks through a street, and you'll have to follow them.  When you catch up, you will fight a monster, an Anacondaur.  Defeat it, and proceed.  You will arrive at the Dollet Communications Tower.  Suddenly a girl appears.

A girl in Garden uniform appears, and trips over.  She winks and sticks her tongue out.

The girl's name is Selphie, who needs to talk to Seifer.  But Seifer disappears, and Selphie joins you(thank goodness!). A short sequence of the Galbadian troops, Wedge and Biggs, will take place. When its back to Squall, go into the tower, and go on the elevator. When you arrive where Biggs is a FMV will take place.

The floor starts to shake, and Squall and company looks around. A huge satellite dish comes out.

You will then fight Biggs, then Wedge together.

Lv 7 HP: 610
Draw: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Cure
Lv 9 HP: 608
Poison has no effect
Draw: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Esuna

After beating these easy opponents, the main boss, Elvolet will appear.

Boss: Elvolet
Lv 7 HP: 2667
Weak against wind, Poison has no effect
Draw: Thunder, Esuna, Double, Siren
Win: 2x Elixirs, 3x G-Returners, 1x Weapon Research Mag Mar issue, 18 AP

This is a long battle, but remember to draw GF Siren, and some doubles. Now you have 30 minutes to get back to the beach.  Quickly go down outside, and Biggs summons a robot to attack you!

Lv 7 HP: 5482
Weak against Thunder, Poison has no effect
Draw: Fire, Blizzard, Esuna, Protect
Win: 50 AP (Defeat it)

Wheneve you fight this boss, use thunder spells, and Quezacotl.  When it is down, hold L2 R2 to run away.  Quickly run and avoid the robot.  When you're back at the beach,

Zell and Selphie makes it back to the boat easily, but Squall is about to get snapped in half.  Quistis saves the day by shooting the robot until it explodes, and boat escapes.

When you're back in Balamb, you can go to the hotel and rest (Timber Maniac mag), or visit Zells house. There is a item and weapon upgrade shop to the left, you can hire a car for 3500 gil.

1.4 Falling in Love

Back in Balamb Garden, your team splits up and prepares for test results.  You'll meet Cid, Quistis and Xu.  AND a unhappy Seifer.  You assemble on the 2f and become a SeeD, along with Zell, Selphie, and Nida.  Seifer, Fujin and Rajin didn't make a SeeD. Back at the Dorms, you'll change into the SeeD uniform, arrive a the ceromony.  After a sequence, you will meet Rinoa.

Rinoa spots Squall and comes over.

Squall and Rinoa will have a brief conversation, and then another FMV will take place.

Squall and Rinoa take it to the dance floor, but Squall seems out of place. 
   But he gradually learns the skills of being a dancer.  This is a very good FMV,
showing how good Squaresoft is.

Squall is at a balcony, and there will be a sequence of Squall and Quistis.  Quistis tells Squall to get changed and go to the Training Center.  Go to the Dorms, get changed and at the Training Center, Quistis joins you.  Go in and keep going north, until you find a room with a save point. Go through the bright door.  There will be a sequence.  When you about to exit the center, you will hear a scream.  Squall and Quistis checks out.  Get ready for a boss fight!

Boss: Granaldo
Lv 8 HP: 1456
Weak against Wind
Draw: Sleep, Blind, Shell
Lv 8 HP: 223
Draw: Fire, Thunder, Protect

Win: 16x Wizard Stones, 14 AP

Use GFs and magic you have drawn.  If you keep your HP high as well, the battle shoudn't be tough.  After defeating them, the mystery lady walks away.  Go back to the dormitory and rest.

1.5 Getting Ready

Next morning, get the Weapons Monthly mag on the Dorm desk.  Go to the front gate where Cid, Selphie and a Garden Faculty is.  After the sequence of Zell, Cid will brief Squall and company of the mission.  It is to assist the resistance in Timber.  When you can control Squall, talk to Cid to recieve a Magical Lamp, which you can use to summon Diablos!  Go to the item inventory and simply select the Magical Lamp.

Special Boss: Diablos
Lv 9 HP: 8000
Weak against Wind
Draw: Cure, Demi
Win: 8x G-Returners, Diablos Card, 20 AP

Click here for special stragety to beat Diablos.  Head out in the World Map, and proceed to Balamb.  Go to where the item shop is(left of man on bench).  Talk to station man to buy a ticket for 3000 gil.  Inside the train, there is a Save Point.  Just talk to the party, and then go in the room where Zell is.  You'll recieve Pets Pal Vol.1.  Pick any option for Zell's question.  Then everyone feels unwell, and passes out.

1.6 Laguna Loire

Now you are controlling a group of strangers of the Galbadian Army.  They are Laguna Loire, Kiros Seagul and Ward Zaback.  Just keep going along the path, until you reach a truck with a Draw Point.  Hop in the truck.  The truck wil arrive in a busy city.  Go north to a building named "Galbadia Hotel".  There, talk to the waitress.  You will be in a room with a piano and a girl named Julia, who Laguna likes.  After a series of sequences, talk to Julia.  Then there will be another sequence, then the screen fades.

1.7 Timber Mission

Now that everyones awake from that strange dream, you will arrive in Timber station.  Talk to the man wearing a yellow cap.  Pick any option, and you will eventually end up inside the Forest Owls train carriage.  You meet Watts and Zone.  Head up the stairs and north until you reach a fancy room with a bed.  There you meet Rinoa Heartily, the girl who danced with Squall at the Graduation Ceremony.  After the sequence, head back to where Zell and Selphie is.  There you will be assigned the task set for you.  There you will be shown a little sequence of the connection of trains to capture President Deling.  You'll have to disconnect some carriages and connect the Forest Owls carriage.  After the briefing, talk to Watts.

Sub-Game - Connection of trains

First, while watching out for the guards, you input a 4-digit passcodes.  The controls are: Triangle: 1 Circle: 2 X: 3 Square: 4.  Rinoa will tell you the codes.  There are 2 sections: section 1 you input 3 passcodes in a certain time limit.  Zell and Selphie will warn you if a guard comes, or press L1 to look yourself.  Section 2 you have to input 5 passcodes in a certain time limit, and you have to check the guards yourself by pressing R1.

After the sub-game, if you didn't use up chances, your SeeD rank goes up 1.  Now talk to Rinoa and follow her.  You find out the president is fake! A Boss fight will tkae place using Squall, Zell and Selphie(remember to junction GFs!)

Boss 1: Fake President Deling
Lv 8 HP: 458
Draw: Cure

Boss 2 : Gerogero
Lv 8 HP: 2450
Weak against Fire/Earth/Holy, Poison has no effect
Draw: Esuna, Double, Berserk, Zombie
Win: 8x Zombie Powder, 20 AP

The fake is easy, just use magic and he will change into a zombie called Gerogero. If it casts a status change on you, just draw Esuna.  Summon Ifrit a couple of times, or feed him a Phoenix Down to kill him immediately.  After the fight there will be a sequence about a broadcast in TImber.   Play cards with Watts to win a Angelo card, and go back to Rinoa's room to get Pets Pal Vol.2, on her bed.  Then its time to go back to Timber.

1.8 TV Station Chaos!

When arrive in Timber, you can buy items at the Timber Pet Shop, then explore the south part of the town.  Go in the hotel; there is a Save Point and a Timber Maniacs mag here.  Then go back to the station and go north.  Here there is a a large building called "Timber Maniacs".  Go inside a search the piles of mags.  You should find a item called "Girl Next Door". Go into the dark room and draw form the hidden draw point(Blizzaga).  Then go to the north room to find another TM mag.  Talk to the old geezer.  Next exit the building and go right. There go down the steps and you should meet some Galbadian soldiers.

Then go in the pub.  There you should find a drunk man.  Talk to him, pick the second option twice to get pass him.  Save here at the Save Point, then go to the building with a large TV screen.  Go up the stairs, and then there will be a sequence.  Rinoa will leave and the remaining character will join you.    Now go in the room.  There will be a long sequence of President Deling, Quistis, Seifer, and Edea. Then leave the building and follow Rinoa and Quistis.  Go to the house next to the next to the Timber Maniacs office.  There there will be another sequence of B-Garden in trouble, and they must get to Galbadia Garden.  Then leave the house, along 
 with the items given.  Go back to the steps to get to the pub.  A man, who is Watts, wil give each member a train ticket.  Then head to the train station and get to the other platform.  There Rinoa and Quistis, and you will board a train.  In the first stop, get off and head towards the little forest.  There will be a sequence, and then Squall, Quistis and Selphie will fall unconcious.  Back to Laguna!

1.9 Laguna Lost
After the short sequence with Laguna, equip GFs and commands to characters, then go north inside the mine.  You will have to fight some Esthar soldiers.  Keep proceeding until until you come out of a huge pipe.  Go north and push the boulder near the torpedo-like structure.  Then proceed north to the save point and save.  Make sure you all have full-health, because you will now have to fight 7 Esthar soldiers without pausing!  When you defeat the last soldier, Kiros and Ward's HP will drop to 1.  Then there will be a little sequence, quite an unusually one...

1.10 Galbadia Garden

Now back to Squall, use Cure or a tent to restore lost HP, and equip GFs.  Now head towards the red-orange structure that looks similar to Balamb Garden.

A nice view of Galbadia Garden, with soldiers training in hover-crafts.

Once inside, go to the yellow light in the center of the lobby.  You can draw Haste here. Save your game and go right, up the stairs.  Enter the door on the bottom.  Once inside the reception room, there will be a brief conversation about Seifer.  Then Squall suddenly goes wacko and runs out of the room.  Go down the stairs and you will meet up with Fujin and Rajin.  Now exit the front gate where everyone's running.  You will find yourself waiting for the Garden's principal outside.  Talk to Rinoa, and he will arrive.  He briefs Squall and company of the mission to asassinate the Sorccress Edea, and a sniper is needed.  He then introduces Irvine Kinneas.

Irvine, lying on grass, makes friends with a butterfly, then gets up and walks towards Squall and company.

Now that you have recruited Irvine, head back to the world map, and head west from the Garden, to arrive at a train station.  Pay 3000 gil, and board the train.  Now talk to everyone after the sequence.  Now you are heading towards Deling City, where the sorceress is.

1.11 Deling City

Now head down to the city square.

Places of Deling City

1. Deling City Square - Laguna parked their car here.  There are 2 bus attendants.
2. General Caraway's mansion (street) - Go left to get to the clock tower.  There is 1 bus attendant.
3. General Caraway's mansion (residence) - To enter, you need the password from the Tomb.  There is a save point here.
4. Arcade - This is where the item and weapon upgrade shop is.  You can play cards with the dark man.
5. Deling Gateway - There is a 4 way junction here to get to other parts of town.  There is 1 bus attendant.
6. Presidental Residence - This is where the mission will take place.  There are 2 bus attendants.
7. Galbadian Hotel - A lady from FH is here.  There is a save point in the hotel.  There is 1 bus attendant.

Go down the esculators, and talk to the bus attendant(man in green).  Hop on, and you should arrive at General Caraway's Mansion.  Talk to the soldier guarding the entrance.  He says to enter you will need a 3-digit passcode to enter.  Squall and co. has to go to the Tomb of the Unknown King to get the answer.  Pick the 4th option to arrive at a Rent-a-Car place.  Hire a vehicle, and proceed to the world map.  Head north-east from the city, towards the penisula.  Enter the little building in the trees.

1.12 Tomb of the Unknown King

At the tomb, save your game at the Save Point, and go inside...
Press SELECT to view the map of the tomb.  Go up 2 screens and examine the gunblade on the ground.  The ID number will be the passcode.  You can leave now or try and obtain the GF Brothers.  If you want to keep going, TURN RIGHT at every intersection(I'm stressing this because its easy to get lost).  At the eastern room, you will encounter one of the GF brothers, Sacred.

Lv 11 HP: 1778
Draw: Protect, Shell, Berserk, Life
Win: 8x G-Potion

Cast Float on him so he can't be in Regen status.  Just use GFs against.  When he is defeated, he runs away. Keep going right again back in the maze.  At the northern room, examine the right chain to let the water flow in. Then, at the western room, examine the handle.  Then keep going right, back to the entrance.  Keep going north from the entrance this time, and cross the wooden bridge.  In the room, you will meet Sacred again, with his brother, Minotaur.  Get ready for a GF Boss fight!
Boss 1: Sacred
Lv 11 HP: 1778
Weak against Wind/Poison, Earth has no effect
Draw: Protect, Shell, Berserk, Life
Boss 2: Minotaur
Lv 15 HP: 3375
Weak against Wind/Poison, Earth has no effect
Draw: Protect, Shell, Berserk, Double

Win: 8x G-Returners, 8x GF Hi-Potion, Sacred and Minotaur's cards, 40 AP

Quite tough battle. Cast Float or Silence to break their Regen.  Draw Protect from them and cast it on your members.  Keep your HP high, because they have devasting attacks.  Summon GFs as much as possible.  When you defeat them, there will be a sequence, and then your SeeD rank goes up by 1!  Time to head back to Deling City.

1.13 The plan of General Caraway

Back at Deling City, give the guard the passcode.  If it is entered correctly, he will allow you to enter the mansion.  Save your game, and enter the mansion.  You meet General Caraway, who will brief you of the mission. Rinoa is temporarily out of your party, because Rinoa is the General's daughter.  The general will then give Squall and co. a browse around the square, telling everyone's position is.  Back at the mansion, you will be split up into 2 groups.  After Irvine and Squall are in their positions, Quistis, Zell and Selphie meets Rinoa, and there will be another sequence. Guide Quistis's party back to the mansion.  Eventually, Quistis and co. gets locked up in the room!

1.14 Rinoa in Trouble!

Now you will be controlling Rinoa.  Save your game at the save point, and climb up those big crates.  Head left, climb up the ceiling and you will see a woman seating on a chair.  It is Sorceress Edea.

Edea's hair shortens all of a sudden, and her mask disappears to reveal her face.  She passes through a wall, controlling Rinoa with her powers and walks out to meet President Deling and the parade crowd.

After killing the president, Edea summons monsters to attack Rinoa.

Two statues of lizards come alive and attacks Rinoa.

Now controlling Quistis and co., who is still trapped, are trying to find a way out so they can do their job.  Examine the shelf with cups and Quistis will pick it up.  Then move to the statue near the window and place the cup.  The statue reveals a secret passageway!  Go in, climb down the ladders, and another FMV.

Squall and Irvine watches the parade, with dancers and performers.  Then a moving float appears, with Edea seating on it and Seifer next to her.

Now direct Squall and Irvine into the building.  Go past the dead president, and ignore the hatch near the red carpet for now.  Enter the room, and you'll have to save Rinoa!

Bosses (2): Iguion
Lv 12 HP: 944
Weak against Earth/Holy
Draw: Esuna, Cure, Break, Carbuncle
Win: 8x G-Returner, 20 AP

First, draw Carbuncle.  Keep your HP high, and draw Cure from them if you are low on HP.  If cast do their Break move on you, just draw Esuna from them.  Use your GFs, particularly Brothers.  Now go back to the hatch and examine it.  You will be in a underground room, where the rifle is.  After a brief sequence, the screen switches back to Quistis, Zell and Selphie.

1.15 The Showdown

Now, this part is confusing.  You can cross the some of the moving gears, and open some of the doors.  Note there is a Weapon upgrading mag here.  Just keep proceeding.  If you can't move anymore, you're on the wrong track!  When you reach the end, there is a Save Point.  Save your game, and then climb up the ladders.

The time will hit 20:00:00, and Edea looks around.

Examine the payphone thing on the left and push it!

The Merry-Go-Round thing rises up.  Meanwhile, the gates of both ends of the tower shuts close, trapping Seifer and a surprised Edea.

Now there will be a sequence with Irvine and Squall.  Irvine takes a shot, but fails. Equip GFs and magic wisely, then Squall has to take matters into his own hands.

Squall leaps off the Merry-Go-Round thing, with gunblade in hand.  He then hops into a car, and crashes straight into the tower where Edea and Seifer is trapped...
There will be a sequence, and then a battle one-on-one with Squall and Seifer!

Boss: Seifer
Lv 12 HP: 1250
Draw: Fire, Life

Just keep attacking Seifer, and use GFs occasionally.  After that cinch battle, you'll have to face Edea herself, with Rinoa and Irvine helping you.

Boss: Sorceress Edea
Lv 12 HP: 4600, 6600 (Random)
Draw: Cura, Dispel, Life, Double
Win: 20 AP

Draw Doubles, and make good use of her Curas and Lifes.  Summon your powerful GFs and cast powerful magic.
After the battle, there will be a sequence, then followed by a FMV.

Edea get mad and throws a sharp chunk of ice at the party.  It misses Rinoa, but hits Squall in the chest.  He then falls off a building.

Disk 2 / Disk 3 / Disk 4

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