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Pictures, Movies, MusicWalkthrough, Disk 1-4The world of FF8Secrets lockedHelpful TipsJunction SystemItems in the gameCharacter weaponsMagic spellsTriple Triad CardsGFsMain Characters
Guardian Forces
OdinGilgameshPhoenixBoko the ChocoboMinimogMoomba

Thunder Storm
Element: Thunder 
Starting Level: 1 
Get from: Squall's desk.  Check the Study Panel and choose the Tutorial to obtain her. 
The great Thunder rider appears.  It flaps its sides and fuzes a huge lightning bolt, then send it across to the enemy, electrocuting them with thunder damage. 
Diamond Dust 
Element: Ice 
Starting Level: 1 
Get From: You receive her along with Quezacotl. 
The ice queen submerges from the ground in a block of ice.  She cracks open her icy sleep and gathers all matters of cold around, then sending a hail of ice at the opponents, freezing them with ice damage.
Hell Fire 
Element: Fire 
Starting Level: 1 
Get From: When you go to the Fire Cavern for the first time, defeat him at the fire pit to obtain him. 
Ifrit appears in a cloud of flames.  He roars and leviatate into the air.  The Hell King then creats a fireball from his toes and hammers it into the enemy.  Burning them with fire damage. 
Silent voice
Element: N/A + Silence 
Starting Level: 3 
Get From:Draw from Elvolet on top of the Dollet Communications Tower during the assault on Dollet. 
Ocean waves breaks into the scene.  The beautiful Maiden Siren plays her harp lightly, creating an aurora of gold music, entering the enemy ears, causing non-elemental damage, silencing the enemy. 
Brotherly love
Element: Earth 
Starting Level: 7 
Get From: Go through Tomb of the Unknown King and defeat Brothers in the centre of the maze. 
The powerful Minotaur lifts up the earth from underneath the enemy, then hurls them into the sky.  Sacred appears and they both play 3 games of scissors, paper, rock.  Minotaur loses the game and, with the help of Sacrd, throws himself into the air, destroying the enemies plateu.  The enemies fall down and hit the ground, damaged with Earth element. 
Dark Messanger 
Element: N/A 
Starting Level: 9 
Get From: Talk to Headmaster Cid before first SeeD mission and you will receive a Magical Lamp.  Use it and you will fight Diablos.  Defeat him. 
A black sphere appears in the sky.  As the world becomes night, bats fly into the sphere, and Diablos is reborn.  He spreads his dark wings and creats a force field in the sphere.  He then throws the spere down into the enemy, creating a reverse phenomenon, damaging the enemy with the power of gravity. 
Ruby Light
Element: Reflect 
Starting Level: 16 
Get From: Draw from the Igions who attack Rinoa in the Deling City Sorceress Parade. 
Carbuncle, the child of light appears out of a earthy pit.  He then jumps into the air and creats a great light from his Renma Ruby.  THe light touches its allies, creating a reflect shield on all allies. 
Element: Water 
Starting Level: 17 
Get From: Draw from Master Norg under Balamb Garden in Disk 2. 
A liquid particle appears and opens up.  A long snake made of the ocean swims out and solidfies, becoming Leviathan.  She then twirls herself into the air and creats a rock mountain.  The Water Snake then melts back into water and washes its enemies, causing water-based damage. 
Tornado Zone 
Element: Wind 
Starting Level: 19 
Get From: Draw from Fujin when you fight her at Balamb Hotel. 
The air begins to get light and a twiring tornado flies into the scene.  Pandemona flies out of the tornado and sucks in the air.  All objects are sucked into his bag body.  He then blows out again from her triple mouths and the enemy is caught in a huge tornado.  They then hit back on the ground, causing wind damage. 
Counter rockets
Element: Space 
Starting Level:23 
Get From: Touch the monster in the hall  when you invade Galbadia Garden.  It is none other then Cerberus. Defeat him. 
The three headed dog of Satan is released as the gates of doom opens.  Cerberus then gallops out and throws multi-energy into the air, destination earth.  His allies absorbs the light and has the effects of Double and Triple. 
holy judgement
Element: Holy 
Starting Level: 25 
Get From: Draw from Sorceress Edea when you invade Galbadia Garden at the end of Disk 2. 
In a faraway land on a rocky coast, then ancient castle of Alexander appears out of the waves.  It opens its twin-cannons and sends a column of energy into the air.  The energy arrives to the enemy and causes a light explosion, scarring them with Holy magic. 
runaway train
Element: Poison 
Starting Level: 28 
Get From: Combine Solomons Ring with 6 Remedy+, 6 Steel Pipes and 6 Malboro Tentacles. 
The sign of doom appears in front of the enemy as the Banshee train is heard in the distance.  It clattles its way on the demon tracks and it mournful face of no forgiving.  Doomtrain then runs over the enemy, inflicting poison damage and status changes. 
mega flare
Element: N/A 
Starting Level: 35 
Get From: In the Deep Sea Research Centre (See World Map), walk towards the beam light and answer the questions in this order- Q1=1st answer.  Q2=2nd answer.  Q3=3rd hidden answer.  When entered successfully, you will fight Bahumut.  Defeat him. 
As the sky focus on the moon, thick clouds clear as the Dragon Lord beats his wings in the night.  It appears out of the clouds and shows no mercy, throwing large amounts of Tetra energy into the enemy.  He then sends his Mega Flare, which causes a high energy fission, damaging the enemy with unblockable non-elemental magic. 
1,000 Needles
Element: N/A 
Starting Level: 20 
Get From: Defeat Jumbo Cactuar on Cactus Island. 
The keeper of the deserts runs into the scene.  It then leaps into the sky and unleashes a large amount of iron needles into the enemy, stabbing them with non-elemental damage. 
Chef's Knife
Element: N/A 
Starting Level: 30 
Get From: Defeat 20 Tonberrys in the Centra Ruins and Tonberry King will appear.  Defeat him to obtain Tonberry GF. 
The shy green monster comes out of the Netherealm and lights it lantern for it to see this dimension.  It then slowly creeps to an enemy, and suddenly stabs it with its sharp knife.  The enemy is inflicted with non-elemental damage. 
Eternal Breath 
Element: N/A 
Starting Level: 30 
Get From: Draw from Ultima Weapon at the bottom of the Deep Sea Research Centre (See World Map). 
The Garden of Eden takes its mobile-form, and travels through existence, finally hovering above the enemy.  It sends it into a black shell.  Eden itself then take controls of this dimension and sends it into a distant galaxy.  It then cracks the shell with its aurora power, damaging the enemy physically and mentally, with non-elemental effects. 

Special Guardian Forces
Element: Death 
Odin is not a controllable GF.  He appears Randomly in any battle (2/10 chance) except for Boss Battles (With the Exception of 1!).  His attack, Zentetsuken, cuts all enemies in half and sends them to Hell. 

Rain pours down from the sky, as Sleiper the horse trots through the storm.  Sitting on Sleiper is the legendary Odin, and as thunder crashes throught the skies, Odin gallops into the enemy party, slicing all enemies to their doom.
Get from: Centra Ruins (see walkthrough).

zentetsuken - Instant Win.
masamune - Strong Damage.
excaliber - Average Damage.
excalipoor - 1 point Damage.
Element: N/A 
Gilgamesh is like Odin.  He appears randomly (3/10 chance), and can also appear in boss fights.  Gilgamesh has 4 types of attacks.  He uses 1 each time he appears.
Get from: Acquire Odin, then fight Seifer in the Lunatic Pandora in disk 3.
rebirth flame
Element: Fire + Life 
Phoenix is back in FF8 and this time she looks better then ever!  When she unleashes her power, not only she damages your enemies with strong fire damage she also revives any of your dead allies as well! 

Phoenix is reborn as she flies out of her earth prison, reviving any of her allies, and burning the enemy with fire damage.
Get from: Use a Phoenix Pinion (Item).

Boko the Chocobo
Element: Fire + Life 
Yes, Chocobos are in Final Fantasy VIII and are once again summonable!

Boko appears half-dazed from the Chocobo World.  He does not know his whereabouts, so he absen-mindly runs straight through the enemy, causing fire damage.
Get from: Use a Gysahl Green.

mog's dance
Element: Fire 
Moogles makes their appearance once again, now with more beat and rhythm!

The little mog comes out of the armlet and begins to dance.  As the stunned enemies look on, all equipped GFs are healed with Minimog's power.
Get from: Get a Mog's Armlet item from Chocobo World (Pocketstation).

moomba moomba
Element: N/A 
Moombas are animal fighters.  But almost everyone in the entire world resent the appearance and intellegence of these decent creatures.  Only the Shumi Tribe knows the true nature of them.

Boko appears half-dazed from the Chocobo World.  He does not know his whereabouts, so he absen-mindly runs straight through the enemy, causing fire damage. 
Get from: Get a Friendship item from Chocobo World (Pocketstation).


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