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Tips Page 3
Malboro / Elnoyle / Ruby Dragon

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Location: Great Plains of Esthar, Grandidi Forest, Islands Closest to Heaven & Hell

If you want to get the GF Doomtrain, upgrade Quistis's Weapons without Card hassles, and get heaps of experience, you're fight Malboro.  Now these guys are hard, thats why their in this section.  Before battle, junction at least these Status Defences: Blind, Confuse, Berserk, Silence.  It is also good to have heaps of Esunas, or junction the Treatment ability.

Fighting Malboros

Once in battle, quickly cast meltdown on Malboro, or any other commands you want, like the Mug abiliy, if you want Malboro Tentacles.  When they cast Bad Breath, if you can still control your characters, heal all your party member's abnormal status.  If you can't control, you'll have to wait for them to use their other attacks to lessen the status.  When everyone status is back to normal, use GFs, like Ifrit, Shiva, Bahamut or Eden.  Also, since Malboros don't use Bad Breath for a long time again, and their other attacks aren't that powerful, you can have someone with critical status, so the character can use GFs.  Malboro's HP are high, but they are vulnrable.  After you defeat one, you'll get good amount of EXP, and some rare items.

Malboros attacks
Disolving Acid
Eerie Sound Wave
Bad Breath


Location: Esthar City, Ultimecia's Castle

This monster is another  mildly tough monster.  There is an advantage, because this monster is weak against Wind.  The reason why you'll fight this monster is because he has good rare items.  He has Moon Stones and Energy Crystals.  Energy Crystals are important for obtaining the Lion Heart, Save the Queen.  Moon Stones are good rare items.  The best way to beat this monster is to junction Death to Status Attack.

Fighting Elnoyles

Begin by casting Protect on all party members.  You can cast Meltdown on Elnoyle if you are attacking.  Draw Double from him, and draw Pain on himself.  Summon Pandemona, Doomtrain and Bahamut to damage them the most.  If they get poisoned, they lose a lot of HP everytime they do a attack.  Watch out for its Twin Needle attack.  Selphie's Limit Rapture works on them if you want to win as quickly as possible.  Death also works.

Elnoyles attacks
Twin Needle

Ruby Dragon

Location: Centra forests, Esthar mountains, Island closest to Hell

This monster drops many rare items such as Energy Crystals, Fury Fragments, and Inferno Fangs.  They are the strongest dragons in the game.  Note that Ruby Dragons absorbs Wind, Thunder, and Fire,  but they are weak against Ice and Holy.  Before fighting, make sure you have some Protects and have some Meltdown and even Aura would be good.  Having Demi, and the Recover command is helpful.  GFs Shiva, Alexander, and Diablos should be equipped.

Fighting Ruby Dragons

Start the battle by casting Protects on the party.  Ruby Dragons may start the battle by casting Firaga, but it won't be very strong.  Cast meltdown on it and use Auras if you have any.  Squall's Renzokuken and Irvine's Demolition Shot is strong against a meltdowned RD.  Summon Diablos as it might deal 9999 damage if the RD has high levels, but Shiva and Alexander would work well too.  Never summon Quazacotl, Ifrit, or Pandomena.  If RD uses its Breath attack, the Protects you've casted earlier should halve the damage.  Quickly recover with cure spells or Recover command.  Repeated limits and GFs, and curing your party regularly should defeat Ruby Dragons in no time.

Ruby Dragon attacks


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