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Tips Page 1
Ultima Weapon/Omega Weapon/Ultimecia

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Ultima Weapon

Location: Deep Sea Deposit

To get to Ultima Weapon you have to go to the Deep Sea Research Center (See WORLD MAP)
 You must have defeated Bahamut to get to UW.  Once inside, go through the elevators with the block order 2,2,1,1.  At the deposit junction Diablo's Enc-None ability.  Every few steps you will run into a battle.  After the long journey you should arrive at a place with a little BLOCK machine.  Junction Siren's Move-Find ability and use the Save point wisely.  Go to the machine and be ready.

Fighting Ultima Weapon

You may need:
5-100 Aura spells
5-100 Full-Life spells
5-100 Curaga spells
1-10x Megalixirs
1-3x Mega Phoenix
Draw Command
Item Command
Revive Command
Recover Command
1-5 Meltdown spells (Optional)
Squall with Lion Heart (Optional)

Firstly, cast Protect and shells on everyone. Draw Eden from the Weapon first. He will probably cast Meteor and Gravija first.  After that, quickly cure everyone with Curagas or use Recover ability. If you have Auras, cast it on Squall or Zell.  Also cast Meltdown on Ultima Weapon.  If he does his Light Pillar attack, quickly use Full-Lifes or the Revive ability.  The best GFs against UW is Bahamut and a high-level Cactuar.  The best spells are meteor, flare and Ultima.  The best items to use are heroes or holy wars.  After UW takes a lot of damage, he'll start doing a lot of Light Pillars, but you eventually beat him.

Ultima Weapon's attacks
Light Pillar

Omega Weapon

Location: Ultimecia's Castle

This is it.  The Ultimate monster in FF8.  He is so hard, the first time I fought him, my people dropped like flies. So be equiped, full health and try and get the best abilities and items before fighting this omega beast.  To get to him, you need to use both parties.  Squall's group is most likely to fight OW, so here Squall's group will be the fighting group (FG). The other group is to summon Omega so you can actually fight him.  This group will be the summoning group (SG).  Firstly, with both groups at the main entrance, FG will proceed to the top floor large door, step on the chandalier and fall down.  Go through the room in the north.  Step into the green light next to the fountain, and switch to the SG. The SG will go up the stairs again, but head right, through the door.  In the next room, go down the staircase and pull the thing hanging down.  It rings a giant bell. A timer will be activated.  Quickly step into the green light to switch to the FG.  Once switched, lead the FG north to the little door into the chapel with the organ.  Omega Weapon will be waiting.

Fighting Omega Weapon

You may need:
5-100 Aura spells
5-100 Full-Life spells
5-100 Curaga spells
5-20x Megalixirs
5-10x Mega Phoenixs
1-3x Phoenix Pinions
Revive Command
Recover Command
Squall with Lion Heart
Zell with all Duel moves (Optional)
Irvine with Demolition/Pulse ammo (Optional)
Quistis with White Wind, Shockwave Pulsar (Optional)
Selphie with The End (Optional)
Rinoa with Invinsible Moon/Wishing Star (Optional)
1-5 Meltdown spells (Optional)

First thing's first- get everyone's HP 9999; its very important! Junction speed.  You need speed.  Omega Weapon's speed level is very high.. Junction the commands Recover and Revive too. OW starts off with a L5 Death move, just to destroy anyone Lv100.  He then quickly does a Gravija move.  You should have some sort of resistance to death.  Quickly feed anyone with heroes so they will be ready for whats up ahead.  Anyone left should have been casted with Aura and Protect.  Quistis's Mighty Guard is very helpful. Cast Meltdown on OW, so limits are more effective. OW's has 3 deadly moves.  Light Pillar's is UW move, damaging 9999 on a single person.  Megido Flame is a powerful Holy move, damaging  9998 on all characters.  Terra Break is the move you hope OW won't use.  A powerful version of meteor, Terra Break takes away about 20,000 worth of damage on each and every party member! If you have Selphie and she has the limit The End, use it!  It works!  But for anyone else, just keep using limits and powerful GFs.  The best GFs are high-level Cactuar, Bahamut and Eden.  Make sure you can boost them.  Not much spells work on OW, but the good ones are Ultima, Flare and Meteor.  Items are very important.  Holy Wars are the best in the game, so should be used for fighting the best monster in the game. Also use Phoenix Pinions, and who knows?  Maybe your party gets KO'd, and Phoenix just might save you.

Omega Weapon's attacks
L5 Death
Light Pillar
Megido Flame
Terra Break

Sorceress Ultimecia

Location: Ultimecia's Castle

The final boss of FF8 is in my opinion the easiest out of herself, UW and OW.  But she is still a challenge. You have to fight 4 bosses in a row. Make sure each member of your party has the important spells, because she can destroy all of a type of magic in your magic list. Holy does not work on Ultimecia.  Be sure to have good speed too. 

Ultimecia (1st form)

She's just like a normal monster in this form.  Cast Doomtrain on her because she is weak against poison.  Then just summon GFs on her until she falls.  Easy battle!


After defeating the sorceress's 1st form, she summons Griever.  He is a little harder.  Cast meltdown on him, then cast Aura on everyone.  Use a few GFs too.  Griever likes taking magic from you, so watch out.  After inflicting a fair amount of damage on him, the screen starts shaking.  Quickly restore everone's health to full, because his about to cast Shockwave Pulsar.  It does about 7000-8000 amount of damage.  After he casted it, finish him off before he casts it again. 


When Griever's HP returns to 0, Ultimecia will junction herself to him.  His HP is high, so cast Meltdown on him, then cast Aura on your party members, especially Squall, if he has the Lion Heart.  U+G will probably summon Helixes, U+G's power ampiphiers.  You probably can't summon GF, because U+G destroys them immediately.  And watch out for their best move, Great Attractor, sqeezing planets on you, taking away about 4000-8000 HP in damage.  My best bet is limits.

Ultimecia (Final form)

This boss is the most powerful out of the 4, and is also the last boss in the game.  She'll start the battle with her Hell's Judgement move, which reduces everyone's HP to 1.  Quickly use Curagas or the Recover ability.  Cast Protect on everyone. Ultimecia has heaps of HP, and you can't use GFs, so cast Meltdown once again on her, and cast Auras on your party members.  I suggest at least 1 person's time bar is full all the time, in case she does Hell's Judgement again.  After halving her HP, another Ultimecia will appear.  Destroy that one first, because it contains Apocalyse, the last spell in the game.  Ultimecia will draw from herself to gain the spells.  You can also draw Apocalyse from her.  After heaps of limits, she'll start talking, thats the signal she almost dead.  So finish her off and enjoy the ending!

1st form attacks
Griever attacks
 Shockwave Pulsar 
Ultimecia+Griever attacks 
Great Attractor
   Ultimecia attacks
  Hell's Judgement


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